I've edited hundreds of individual issues for more than two dozen different magazines in the past 25 years. I work from an electronic cottage on the west coast of Vancouver Island and daily give thanks to Al Gore for "inventing the Internet."

In the 1980s, I worked for such high-profile Toronto magazines as Toronto Life, Canadian Living, the Financial Post Magazine, Canadian Business, City & Country Home, TO magazine, Pacific Yachting and Ontario Cottager (now Cottage Life). In the early '90s, after a tantalizing taste of West Coast life on holiday, my partner and I left Toronto. I was hired as Western Living's copy editor and stayed for 10 years, first as a full-time staff editor and later on contract.

Since then I've contributed, either as a managing editor, consulting editor or writer, to such magazines as Vancouver, CityFood, Westworld, Pacific Golf, BC Business, Travel etc., EAT and Deckchair. I've also written and edited for corporate publications published by the University of British Columbia's Sustainability Office, City of Burnaby Parks and Recreation, the Greater Vancouver Regional District, BC Gas and Workers' Compensation Board of B.C.

For the past seven years, I've been taking part in regular Internet activism for such organizations as the David Suzuki Foundation, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and the now-defunct WildCanada.net. I recently wrote a feature-length story for BC's EAT magazine on making kitchens greener. The environment is a particular passion, one I'd like to make a regular part of my work.